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Agrimony Natural Loose Herbal Tea 20g Agrimonia eupatoria


Common Agrimony, Cocklebur, Stickwort, Yellow Agrimony, Eupator’s Agrimony, Garclive & Church Steeples.

Agrimony has a long history of use in traditional medicine. It’s often brewed as a tea, taken as a tincture, or applied topically as a balm. Known for its soothing properties, it is commonly used to support restful sleep.

In folklore, witches prized Agrimony for its protective powers. It was believed to shield them from enemies and the magic of others, reflecting its use as a tool for reversing spells and hexes. The plant was also used in rituals to cleanse spaces of negative energy and spirits.

In medieval Europe, Agrimony was regarded as a powerful magical herb, warding off evil spirits and misfortune. Today, it’s often incorporated into rituals aimed at breaking curses, stopping gossip, and protecting against the Evil Eye. When used in spellwork, Agrimony is said to help balance emotions, reveal hidden truths, and banish negativity—strengthening your psychic shield.

Magical Uses:


Reversal spells

Luck & prosperity

Restful sleep & lucid dreaming

Protection & shielding

Removing blockages & overcoming fears

Banish negativity & gossip

Aura cleansing

Witch Tip:
Add Agrimony to your ritual bath before spellwork, or steep it to cleanse your magical tools, boosting the potency of your spellcraft.


Gender: Masculine

Element: Air
Planetary Influence: Jupiter, Mercury
Zodiac: Cancer


Packed in a brown eco-friendly ziplock bag to keep your herbs fresh and potent!

Agrimony Natural Loose Herbal Tea 20g Agrimonia eupatoria

  • Dream pillows, sometimes called comfort pillows, are filled with a blend of fragrant, calming herbs. They are used to promote restful sleep and, historically, to mask the smells of medicine and illness for those who are unwell. Unlike other scented pillows, dream pillows are made with dried herbs and not essential oils, as the oils would be too strong and overwhelming.


    Measure out about 3 tablespoons of your chosen dried herb blend for each pillow. (Suggested herbs: Mugwort, Agrimony, Lavender, Hops)

    Cut two pieces of fabric into your preferred shape—rectangle, eye mask, or small square.

    Place the fabric pieces back-to-back and stitch along three sides, leaving one end open for filling.

    Gently fill the pillow with the dried herb blend.

    Stitch the open end closed to secure the filling.

    Place the pillow under your regular pillow and enjoy a restful, calming sleep.

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