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ECHINACEA 25g - Dried herb - (Echinacea purpurea)

Narrow-Leaf Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Black Sampson, Sampson Root, Hedgehog, Snakeroot, Scurvy Root, Indian Head and Comb Flower.


Echinacea is an indispensable  essential to add to the shelves of your Botanical Apothecary

Echinacea encourages the immune system and reduces many of the symptoms of colds, flu and some other illnesses, infections, and conditions.



Used to strengthen and enhance any magical work, add to charm pouches and sachets to increase their potency. It can also be used in spells and incense to draw money. It can also be used in healing Spells and sachets or any kind of Crone magic.

Magical Uses: Strengthening Spells, Crone Magic, power, healing and abundance.

Gender: Feminine 

Planet: Venus, Mars 

Element: Earth


Packed in a brown eco friendly ziplock bag so your herbs stay fresh at all times!

ECHINACEA 25g - Dried herb - (Echinacea purpurea)

  • Must be infused in boiling water prior to consuming.

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