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Mugwort Dried Herb 25g Artemisia Vulgaris Loose Leaf.


Common Mugwort, Beidiog Lwyd, Felon Herb, St. John's Plant, Mater Herbarum, Cingulum Sancti Johannis, Gemeiner Beifuss, Herbe aux Cent Goûts, Nagadamni, Sailor's Tobacco, Tabac de Saint-Pierre and Wild Wormwood.

Another powerful attribute to your botanical apothecary.

Mugwort has been used for smudging, protection, and inducing vivid dreams (when placed underneath a person's pillow).
People take the rest of the plant for stomach and intestinal conditions including colic, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, weak digestion, worm infestations, and persistent vomiting.



A very ancient herb for healing magic and divination, known to be protective to women and travellers. The Latin name Artemisia comes from Artemis, the Greek moon Goddess and patron of women, so it is an excellent herb to use for feminine energy and issues. A pillow stuffed with mugwort and slept upon will bring peaceful sleep, produces prophetic dreams and aids astral travel. It is a good alternative to sage in smudge sticks for cleansing and clearing. Can also be burned with sandalwood or wormwood during scrying rituals also carry it with you for psychic protection. Make an infusion (dried mugwort steeped in boiled water) to wash crystal balls and magic mirrors with to aid psychic workings.
Throw Mugwort onto the fire at midsummer to ensure protection for the following year. Mugwort is also carried to increase lust and fertility and prevent backache.

Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus and Moon
Deities: Artemis and Diana.



NB: It is likely unsafe to use Mugwort if you are pregnant.

Packed in a brown eco friendly ziplock bag so your herbs stay fresh at all times!



Mugwort Dried Herb 25g Artemisia Vulgaris Loose Leaf

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  • Ingredients:

    2 parts Mugwort Artemesia vulgaris

    2 parts Blue lotus flower petals Nymphaea caerulea

    1 part Passionflower Passiflora incarnata

    1 part Ginkgo leaf Ginkgo biloba

    ½ part Dried orange peel

    For a small jar (approx. 30g / 1oz):

    5 g Mugwort

    5 g Blue lotus flower petals

    2.5 g Passionflower

    2.5 g Ginkgo leaf

    1.5 g Dried orange peel


    1. Combine all herbs in a bowl and mix together.

    2. Transfer to a clean glass jar, label and date.

    3. Use 1 teaspoon of this blend to one cup boiling water, steeping for five minutes with a lid over the top to retain the volatile oils.

    4. Strain into a tea cup.

    5. Enjoy a cup of tea in the evening for adventures into the astral realm at night.


    Mugwort’s effects are calming, relaxing, while promoting sleep and vivid dreams.Blue lotus flower is similar in nature.

    Passionflower relaxes the nervous system and acts as a mild sedative

    Ginkgo increases circulation to the brain to aid in dream recall

    The orange peel is purely for flavour – feel free to add more to your liking.

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