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Natural Digestion Herbal Loose Tea Blend 25g, Indigestion, Heartburn.


A deliciously fragrant and herbal blend designed to ease indigestion, gently soothing heartburn and acidity, aiming to improve all round gut health.
Put all the herbs in a warm teapot. Bring a kettle of filtered water to just below boiling point and put into the teapot, then replace the teapot lid. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain into cups and garnish each with a mint leaf.


Organic Meadowsweet - A deliciously fragrant herb. a good remedy for indigestion. A well deserved reputation as a healer of heartburn and acidity.


Linden Flowers - Sweetly fragrant, calming and relaxing.


Organic Chamomile Flowers - Soothing, stress relieving, encouraging healthy digestion. it is used to treat diarrhoea and relieve colic in babies.


Peppermint - Cooling and refreshing, relieves indigestion and support good digestion. it is excellent for relieving gassed may help in more serious digestive ailments. may also settle the stomach in motion sickness and nausea.

Packed in a brown eco friendly ziplock bag so your herbs stay fresh at all times!

*Teapot is not for sale, for display purposes only

Natural Digestion Herbal Loose Tea Blend 25g, Indigestion, Heartburn.

  • Must be infused in boiling water prior to consuming.

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